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Meet the Stomach Bug

Gastroenteritis, better known as the stomach bug, can be much worse than your typical tummy ache. This bug can cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. There are a variety of viruses that can cause gastroenteritis, such as norovirus, which often sweeps through childcare centers and schools leaving many sick children in its wake. Most stomach […]

ADHD in Children

One of the most common childhood disorders is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  It is a complex mental health disorder that can affect your child’s success at school and personal relationships.  There are multiple signs of ADHD which vary with each individual child. These are sometimes difficult to recognize because all children display these behaviors […]

5 Signs You Need to Call the Pediatrician

Often when a child get sick, the illness will simply run its course with no further worries or problems. Due to this, many parents are unsure what symptoms may warrant a consultation from a pediatrician. Some symptoms to watch for are: Dehydration. It is important to contact a doctor if your child becomes dehydrated.  Some […]

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