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What Is An Abnormal Test Result?

What Is An Abnormal Test Result?

It’s Friday evening. You look down at your phone to discover you have a missed call. The voice recording is a nurse from your doctor’s office saying your test results were “abnormal” and the doctor would like to schedule a follow-up visit. You panic. It’s 5:30 and the office is already closed for the weekend. For the next 48 hours there’s little to do but wait and worry.

The problem (and common train-of-thought) with your concern over an abnormal test result is the assumption that there are only two possible results: normal and abnormal. Test results are not a wrong or right. There are many factors to consider when determining if your blood work, biopsy or culture test show any signs of abnormality.

What Is A Normal Test Result?

Researches perform different tests on patients who are well to set the bar for a “normal” test result. But, over a period of time, hundreds of patients will have blood work performed, and the test results will vary slightly within a normal range. An abnormal test result will be outside that window, even if it’s only slightly above or below the normal value.

For example, your body should maintain a specific amount of potassium in the blood, ranging from 3.6 to 5.2 millimoles per liter. However, if your blood tests register a number slightly higher than the 5.2 “normal” boundary, your test is marked as abnormal. Your treatment will depend on how far outside the normal range your test results show and you should always follow up with your doctor, but abnormal does not necessarily mean you’re facing a serious health issue.

Labs May Vary

While your “normal” health will register nearly the same or very similar test results on any given day – making detecting an abnormality easier – the labs that calculate your results may differ. Most labs will agree on results for a blood test, but other types of tests may result in different outcomes for each laboratory.

Your Body Changes

Some tests administered by your doctor will require you to follow a particular diet or not eat or drink anything at all. If you don’t adhere to those guidelines, your body may show different results than it would have if you’d followed the diet precisely.

The genes you inherit can also trigger abnormal test readings. The question may not be whether your results are “abnormal” but are they trending into a greater area of differentiation growing in abnormality?

If you only view your test results as normal or not, you will overlook valuable information about your body contained within the findings. Working with your doctor, you may be able to easily adjust certain lifestyle habits to normalize your sugar, potassium or other levels.

If you receive an abnormal test result, talk with your doctor to understand the specifics. Are your results far outside the normal window or just above or below the expected results? Are your recent tests trending in a direction of cause for concern or is your doctor comfortable with the results? If you can’t shake the feeling that something in your body is off, ask your doctor for a second test or if the results point to any particular disease or illness.

Lab Services

If you are searching for a “health clinic near me” that offers the convenience of in-house lab services, you have found it! With new patient appointments available within 24 to 48 hours we can have you seen, tested, and the results back in no time! Call today for an appointment.

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